The Art Of Coorie - Gabriella Bennett

In 2018 Gabriella interviewed me for her book The Art of Coorie, focusing on ethos, influences and the future. I shared how my business was growing at the time and how I believed my work fitted in with Scottish values and living simply. 

"Coorie – or còsagach in Gaelic – is the Scottish version of hygge. In The Art Of Coorie, Times journalist Gabriella Bennett explores what coorie is and how it has helped nurture the astonishing creativity that Scotland is famed for, despite an often harsh and unforgiving climate. Now used to describe how we want to feel and be, coorie covers all aspects of the way Scots live, and The Art of Coorie explores Scottishness and coorie through lifestyle, homes and interiors, traditions, and how to enjoy life despite challenging elements. It examines the legacy of the bothies and fisherman’s cottages of the past and also the art of slowing down, appreciating what we have around us and how to use the best of all things Scottish to enhance life and its pleasures." Black and White Publishing 

The Art of Coorie is available via Black and White Publishing